Monday, January 23, 2012

starting something new...

I can't believe it's almost been a year since my last post. And boy has a lot happened in the last year. I'll spare you (if anyone at all even takes the time to read this) details and just say it was a bittersweet year. But definitely ended great! I'm floored with where God has me right now, and where He had me a year ago. So crazy to think how different I am!

I still have a love for photography, but I never have time to take the pictures myself anymore. 
My sister-in-law suggested I start writing about music, I'm her music guru. Since I live in Seattle, I hear about a ton of bands and my love for music is ginormous! 

To start this off, I've been listening to a lot of City and Colour lately! I totally missed them in concert about a week ago in Seattle. 
They're lyrics are seriously mind blowingly (yes, I just made up a word) beautiful! I can't stop listening. Even to the sad one, it's just put together in such a genius way! well... I can't just tell you about them, I highly recommend you take a listen to them:
I actually haven't heard a song by him that I don't like. That's how fantastic he is!

I'm going to a reggae  concert next month. I've never really been super into reggae and I'd never heard of the band I'm going to see. So, of course I youtubed the band... and wow, they are so chill and good! I like it, I like it a lot! 

So, my weakness is hiphop... I actually love it so much that I'm joining a hiphop dance group! More detail will come once I go to my first practice this week:) 
And my secret love is country! So I'm all over the place when it comes to music. 
I only wish I was a better singer...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wow... It's been too long.

I'm nuts... nothing else to say but that.
Working 3 part time jobs is exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love my jobs. All completely different from each other, but I really enjoy the change in pace from one to the other.
My first job is with an inventory company, I work about 3 days a week. It has it's disadvantages, waking up anywhere from 3am-5am, but on the bright side of that I get done by around 11am. So I get the rest of the day to either nap or get things done. Plus the people I work with are amazing. They are helpful, funny, and super nice. Even at the butt-crack of dawn. ;)
My second job is definitely the one job I've always seemed to fall back on, being a nanny. I watch two adorable little girls. Not only are they fun but they are both sweet. They do have "episodes", but what kid doesn't?! I only watch them 2 days a week, but it's definitely my favorite part of the week.
My third and last job, I work for an amazing business, Epic Seats. I mainly work on the weekends. It's a fun environment and a great and growing company.
My life may be crazy right now, but it will all be worth it.
Now comes to why I have so many jobs. I'm planning on moving to the LA area in the fall, for a new experience and a new adventure. I need to get out of my comfort zone, and be in an unfamiliar place. Something I've been longing for for many years, just never had the nerve to actually go out and do it until now. This will be a fun and exciting journey I'm on, I can't wait for it all to begin. But I'm enjoying my last few months in Seattle with friends and family:)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas and a New Year!

Christmas was pretty low key this year, since my beautiful grandma Josephine passed away on December 5th. She loved the Lord very much, and I know she's up in Heaven. 
The holidays will never be the same again. But now it's time to make new traditions. Since I'm not married or don't have kids, and my siblings all have other plans during the holidays, it's just my mom, her fiance and me. So this year we had brunch at my brother from Seattle's place and then my mom and I went to see "The Tourist". I called the ending, about 20 minutes into the movie, I really enjoyed it though!

I've been house sitting for the family I nanny for the last week. The first couple of nights were a little freaky, since I'm not used to being alone in a big house, but I'm loving it now! 

I can't believe 2011 is just about 3 days away! There are going to be so many new things in my life this next year. But for now, I will only share the things happening first.
School starts back up on the 3rd. I'm taking 2 classes online, I really didn't want to have to go on campus. Plus I now have 3 jobs. I'm a part time nanny, working for an inventory company called WIS, and I'm going to be working for my brother from Seattle; which will be all online, so I'm able to work from anywhere! 

There's a lot in store for the coming year and I have so many different emotions toward it. But I'm excited for all that God has in store for me!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow days are unproductive...

Maybe I'm tired? or maybe I'm just lazy.
Either way, I don't like being unproductive. I'm looking forward to having a few weeks off of school. I'm only taking online classes next quarter (hoping it's a little more relaxing, and not more stressful than this last quarter).

Right now I'm in the process of writing out my bucket list. I will probably be working on that for quite awhile. But I look forward to getting things on the list checked off.

Like I've said before, I'm not much of a writer, so this is all I've got.

Pretty Ladies

I had this photo shoot about a month ago, but have been too busy to edit these pictures. Until the last couple days.
We had to hurry and take pictures since the sun was setting, but I was able to get plenty of great pictures!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mixing things up!

I've never been very good at writing all my thoughts down and having it make sense.
Since there are so many different topics that I'm passionate about, why not blog about all of them. There may be a time in my life where I want to focus on one subject for a few weeks, and others for just a couple days. But I just want to blog, share all my thoughts and feelings. What I've been up to and what my plans are for the future.
For now, I'm going to Community College for my AA in Early Childhood Development (I have a little more than a year left) with the plans of transferring to a 4 year college out of the state of Washington.
Obviously, from my other posts you can probably already tell that I'm passionate about photography. Since I've been back in school it's hard to try to find time to edit picture, or even schedule photo shoots. But I'm getting back into the swing of things since the quarter is almost done.
So, you (who you may be... if anyone) will be able to (hopefully) enjoy more of my photos.
Also, outside of school, I'm a high school youth leader at my church (Love it!) and I'm a nanny twice a week, and trying to find another part time nanny job (or just anything that works with my hectic schedule).

There's so much more to my life than this short post... but like I said; I've never been good at writing.
Hopefully this will help me get out and write more!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ashley and Benji

It was a beautiful day at Redondo. I had fun taking this couples pictures!