Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mixing things up!

I've never been very good at writing all my thoughts down and having it make sense.
Since there are so many different topics that I'm passionate about, why not blog about all of them. There may be a time in my life where I want to focus on one subject for a few weeks, and others for just a couple days. But I just want to blog, share all my thoughts and feelings. What I've been up to and what my plans are for the future.
For now, I'm going to Community College for my AA in Early Childhood Development (I have a little more than a year left) with the plans of transferring to a 4 year college out of the state of Washington.
Obviously, from my other posts you can probably already tell that I'm passionate about photography. Since I've been back in school it's hard to try to find time to edit picture, or even schedule photo shoots. But I'm getting back into the swing of things since the quarter is almost done.
So, you (who you may be... if anyone) will be able to (hopefully) enjoy more of my photos.
Also, outside of school, I'm a high school youth leader at my church (Love it!) and I'm a nanny twice a week, and trying to find another part time nanny job (or just anything that works with my hectic schedule).

There's so much more to my life than this short post... but like I said; I've never been good at writing.
Hopefully this will help me get out and write more!

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