Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wow... It's been too long.

I'm nuts... nothing else to say but that.
Working 3 part time jobs is exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love my jobs. All completely different from each other, but I really enjoy the change in pace from one to the other.
My first job is with an inventory company, I work about 3 days a week. It has it's disadvantages, waking up anywhere from 3am-5am, but on the bright side of that I get done by around 11am. So I get the rest of the day to either nap or get things done. Plus the people I work with are amazing. They are helpful, funny, and super nice. Even at the butt-crack of dawn. ;)
My second job is definitely the one job I've always seemed to fall back on, being a nanny. I watch two adorable little girls. Not only are they fun but they are both sweet. They do have "episodes", but what kid doesn't?! I only watch them 2 days a week, but it's definitely my favorite part of the week.
My third and last job, I work for an amazing business, Epic Seats. I mainly work on the weekends. It's a fun environment and a great and growing company.
My life may be crazy right now, but it will all be worth it.
Now comes to why I have so many jobs. I'm planning on moving to the LA area in the fall, for a new experience and a new adventure. I need to get out of my comfort zone, and be in an unfamiliar place. Something I've been longing for for many years, just never had the nerve to actually go out and do it until now. This will be a fun and exciting journey I'm on, I can't wait for it all to begin. But I'm enjoying my last few months in Seattle with friends and family:)