Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas and a New Year!

Christmas was pretty low key this year, since my beautiful grandma Josephine passed away on December 5th. She loved the Lord very much, and I know she's up in Heaven. 
The holidays will never be the same again. But now it's time to make new traditions. Since I'm not married or don't have kids, and my siblings all have other plans during the holidays, it's just my mom, her fiance and me. So this year we had brunch at my brother from Seattle's place and then my mom and I went to see "The Tourist". I called the ending, about 20 minutes into the movie, I really enjoyed it though!

I've been house sitting for the family I nanny for the last week. The first couple of nights were a little freaky, since I'm not used to being alone in a big house, but I'm loving it now! 

I can't believe 2011 is just about 3 days away! There are going to be so many new things in my life this next year. But for now, I will only share the things happening first.
School starts back up on the 3rd. I'm taking 2 classes online, I really didn't want to have to go on campus. Plus I now have 3 jobs. I'm a part time nanny, working for an inventory company called WIS, and I'm going to be working for my brother from Seattle; which will be all online, so I'm able to work from anywhere! 

There's a lot in store for the coming year and I have so many different emotions toward it. But I'm excited for all that God has in store for me!